Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Week 6 Project 2

The purpose of this project is to illustrate the decision making tools available in the ArcGis program. This was shown by using Arc to narrow down search areas for an older couple to look for housing after the move to Alachua County/Gainesville City area with a set of given criterion. The criterion are as follows: proximity to grandchildren, North Florida Regional Hospital (work), University of Florida (work), community centers, bus routes, areas with a larger percentage of 65 and older and areas with higher home values. All of these criterions, except home values and age/area percentages, are illustrated in the Alachua Area Map with public lands included to show the number of parks in the area.

This second map shows the 65 and over percentage, property value, and community center proximity maps. The first two show the highest amounts in the lighter colors. You can see that just along the outer areas of Gainesville there are areas of higher property values and higher percentages of those over 65 years of age. The community center map shows the cluster of centers in the city area and some of those in the area around. This map was done by importing the property value figures from the 2000 census into the program and joining it with the census tracts by the standard id number. Once the data was converted the feature was converted into a raster and illustrated by the value data. The same was done with the age data with data already possessed from that same census.

The third map shows the proximity of four of the initial criterion by using Euclidian direction and standardizing the interval to provide a target like proximity map. In it you can see the areas closest to each spot that the couple would like to be near to.

This fourth map shows the first weighted overlay map. This map shows several possible housing areas that meet four of the seven core criterion. Each was weighted equally at 25%.

This final map shows an alternately weighted map with house values at 15%, 65 and over % at 15%, bus and community centers at 5% each, University proximity at 15%, Hospital at 20% and family proximity at 25%. Two of the same areas are highlighted here as in the first overlay.

In the Alachua County area the best matches lay within the Gainesville City area and all criterions can be met in these areas presented.

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